My spirit animal. The toughest thing about him so far is his name. He has a very elusive name. Perhaps it will come to me one day. I feel like it’s close.
About him.
The first thing you must understand is that he doesn’t do it will ill intent. Ever so rarely things go wrong but that’s just an unfortunate eventuality. It’s the risk of it, the thrill of the chase, the satisfied feeling of a plan well laid that really drives him. He is a trickster at heart and it’s what he does best.
Yea, when things go bad he hides. But it isn’t without trouble. Taking the shape of a spider (and the reverse transform as well) is no laughing matter. If he must, he always hides first. No one has ever seen the complete change.
He is calm most of the time, though he may smile slightly if planning a spectacular piece of trickery.
Few things can make him angry, but when he does… watch out!
He sometimes plays human and put on clothes. Sometimes he gets caught, but mostly not. He wraps up his tail and wears custom made shoes to cover his long feet.