Project Attributes design

Baby Dreams

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No one knows what a baby dreams about. This sculpture tries to capture the essence of those dreams.

This was presented in the ITP 2009 Winter Show.

I worked on the concept and videos with Mol-Mol Natura.

From conception to completion.

Inside of the orfice is a place. You can look or stick in your head. You will find yourself in a world of broken mirror and pulsating light, surrounded by the cries of multiple babies.

Inside of the eye you will find a distorted image of what appears to be yourself looking back. Babies only see the world in black and white. Everything is distorted.

Inside of the nose is a mucus-like flood. A shifting white fluid with wierd shapes passing through.




The Book Project

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An interpretive look at how books can be used to tell a story.

Made together with Jayoung Chung, “Neo” Sangzoon Park, and Ozge Kirimlioglu.

As a rule, when you have read a book and closed the cover, you can expect to find that the story is the same every subsequent time you open it. The words will not have changed. There is order and structure inherent in the experience of reading a book.
In this project, however, we have changed the rules a bit. We have attempted to stretch
the boundaries of the classic reading experience by creating a stage upon which the words can change on each viewing.
There is a technique employed by many writers called free-writing. It is very useful for generating ideas, getting rid of blocks and freeing your creative mind.

Using a hollowed out book and 20 dice with words/short phrases pasted on them, our system is a nod to the that technique. And of course you can add and remove words/phrases/die as you see fit.

Full documentation/analysis can be found here.


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Rudolph is an adventure/exploration game in which you play a reindeer named Rudolph trying to escape from the clutches of Evil Santa and his minions.


Game Design Document

Technical Design Document

Demo – Unzip and run santa.exe (Game may take a while to load – especially if you have a slow computer)

Suggested minimum system specs:

1 gb RAM, 2 GHz processor, 300 mb free space, Windowx XP+


W- foward, S-back, A-strafe left, D-strafe right. E-interact with objects
(aim with nose). Spacebar- Jump, Tab- change views | For more controls and
key bind options see the options menu.

Use the mouse to turn left and right.
Hit Alt-C to detach the camera and explore the whole level.

Level Layouts – Overhead View

Level One – The Stables
Level Two – The Yard
Level Three – The Workshop


The demo was developed along with 4 other people.
Two programmers: Mike Koslam, Nicholas Bossy.
Two artists: Jeff Onken, Jason Partridge

My tasks included game/level design, object placement and sound.

This demo was made using the Torque game engine.

Beth Shak

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Designed responsive websites to highlight a shoe collector/designer and world famous poker player’s accomplishments.

  • PHP
  • jQuery/jQuery mobile
  • HTML5/css3

New York University

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New York University has commissioned several projects over the years including:

  • NYU Sustainability website
  • ITS Service Catalogue & Service Status Calendar
  • Food and Climate Summit website
  • NYU Paris Library Reconstruction project
  • ITS Finance web application
  • Various Global Technology Service websites
Within each project, time was spent sitting with the client and gaugingout their needs. Research into available tools and available client material was necessary in order to fully judge the scope of work.
NYU has unique branding guidelines all their own, so most of the work was done figuring out how to best set up the project in a way that was user friendly and was easily updatable.
These web applications were developed using a mix of:

  • PHP
  • Javascript ( jQuery / angular )
  • CSS 2 & 3

Tested cross browser for compatibility with the most recent browsers used around the client offices.