Project Attributes software development

Last Baby Standing

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“A marauding space fungus threatens all life on Earth! The only hope is to breed your Facebook friends with each other, to find the genetically immune child who can save humanity from certain extinction. Note: Achieving genetic immunity isn’t easy! Remember, this is a very dangerous space fungus.”

This game was made in 3 days as part of the global game jam.

My part in this project was frontend development/design. There were 3 other team members: Adam Parrish (backend programming/design), Rub Dubbin (writer/design), and Tims Gardener (art/design).


You can play the game at

The object of the game is to breed your friends to make the strongest one.
We grab as much data as possible from your fb network to generate statistics on your friends.


You can download the game from the Global Game Jam website at

Humans Hanging Out

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“The scientists finally did it. Their robot passed the Turing Test. But society remained skeptical…”

This game was made in 3 days as part of the global game jam.

My part in this project was programming and design. There were 3 other team members: Adam Parrish (programming/design/music), Rub Dubbin (writer/design), and Tims Gardener (art/design).


You can play the game at

The object of the game is to greet 20 humans without gaining 10 skepticism points.

Every human you meet will announce their name, a profession, and a personality. To greet them, use the words in your inventory to match, as best you can, their worldview.

Anything with 10 skepticism points, no matter what it says it is, goes to robot jail. No questions asked, that’s how humans do it. Do you have a problem with that, robot?


You can download the game from the Global Game Jam website at


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“A scientist and his clone enter; only one man may leave.”


This game was made in 3 days as part of the global game jam.

My part in this project was programmer. There were 5 other team members: Joe Pham (programmer),
Evan Sforza (artist), Diana Mennella (artist),
Dylan McKenzie
(designer), and Drew Smith (designer)

smallscientist Inventory Blue Beaker Inventory Green Beaker Inventory Red Beaker

Scienceology is a two player arcade game inspired by the complications that
arise from self-cloning. Locked in a secret laboratory, a scientist has created a clone of himself, not
for evil, but for love. Maybe his calculations were off, or maybe clones cannot love, but the scientist
is bitterly betrayed. Realizing that if this evil clone escapes the laboratory, his creation will be an
agent of evil, the scientist activates the laboratory self-destruct. As the laboratory fills with chemical
goo, the scientist and his clone battle using the only tools available to them- the chemicals left in the lab.
One leaves victorious or both will be consumed with deadly goo, which will you chose?



You can download the game from the Global Game Jam website at

Train Stop Watch

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A device that alerts you when your train stop is coming up.

Made together with Tim Haynes.

    It all started with the thought that when you’re coming home late, and you’re tired or drunk or both, you can sometimes miss your trainstop. Or if you’re reading a good book or watching a movie or even just having a nap. So, what if you had a device that could A) alert you that your stop was coming up and B) let you know that your stop was here.

It’s a simple box with very basic inputs and outputs.

  • – You turn on the Device. By default, its set to two train stops, because why would you need something like this for only one stop?
  • You increment the number of stops by pushing a red on the side. This is also useful in the case of false stop detection.
  • When you reach the stop before your stop, a yellow light goes on and stays on until…
  • You near your stop where a red light comes on and a buzzer/vibrator goes off.

Do It Yourself

So the setup is pretty simple and the materials are cheap/easy to come by.

  • Arduino (or some other microcontroller thingy)
  • 2 LEDs
  • 1 (or more) (we used a piezo) Buzzer/vibrating motor/loud-annoying-wake-me-up-thing
  • 1 accelerometer
  • 1 pushbutton switch
  • 1 on/off type switch
  • power supply for arduino (we used a 9v battery)
  • breadboard, wires, wirecutter
  • 2x 220 ohm resistors, 1x 10k ohm resistor
  • A casing to hold the Device

Circuit Diagram


int analogPin0 = 0;
int analogPin1 = 1;
int analogPin2 = 2;

int analogValue0 = 0;
int analogValue1 = 0;
int analogValue2 = 0;            // outgoing ADC value

int wasOn=-1;

int y = 0;

float distance, distanceo, totaldist, totaldisto;
float velocity, speedo, accel, accelo; 

int d1, d2, d3, d1o, d2o, d3o;
int count = 1;

float lowend, highend, lowendo, stayold, stayold2;
int highcount, lowcount, staycount, mystopcount, countdown;
int iteration, iterationo;

int switchPin = 7;      //  digital input pin for a switch
int yellowLedPin = 3;   //  digital output pin for an LED
int redLedPin = 6;      //  digital output pin for an LED
int buzzerPin = 8;      //  digital output pin for a buzzer
int switchState = 0;    //  the state of the switch
int stops = 2;          //  number of stops
int buzzerState = 0;    //  if buzzer is on

void setup()
  pinMode(switchPin, INPUT);       // set the switch pin to be an input
  pinMode(yellowLedPin, OUTPUT);   // set the yellow LED pin to be an output
  pinMode(redLedPin, OUTPUT);      // set the red LED pin to be an output
  pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);      // set the buzzer pin to be an output

  // start serial port at 9600 bps:
  stayold=0; stayold2=1;

void loop()
  switchState = digitalRead(switchPin);

  analogValue0 = analogRead(analogPin0); 

  analogValue1 = analogRead(analogPin1); 

  analogValue2 = analogRead(analogPin2); 

 if (switchState == 1) {
  if(switchState == 0 && wasOn == 1)
    stops = stops + 1;
    //Serial.println("HAI! I'm on!");

  // pause for 10 milliseconds:

	the data is collected every 10 ms, so a count of 100 is 1 second

            if 3 data points are high and close enough to each other then a 
	    high-end point is recorded
          if(totaldist-300 > lowend) // looking for a number above the lowest 
                                     //data point (lowend) 
            if(highcount >=2) // on the 3rd occurence of a high point within
                              // 100 points of itself, see if its ok to say 
 			      // its a high point 

              if(totaldisto+100 >= totaldist && totaldisto-100 <= totaldist)
              {  highend=totaldist; } else{ highcount=0;}
            } else { //else the count is restarted and the search for 
                     // consecutive high data points continues
              if(totaldisto+100>=totaldist && totaldisto-100<=totaldist)
              {  highcount++; } else { highcount=0; }

          /* A cheap hack. Just puts the first data point lower than the first 
	     high data point into the low end point. */
          if(highend>0 && lowend==0) {
            if(totaldist 0)

            if 3 data points in succession are low, then a  new low end point is
          if(totaldist+300 < highend)// looking for a number below the high 
				     //data point
            if(lowcount >=2){ // on the 3rd occurence of a low data point w/in 
                              // 100 points of itself, check to see if its ok 
			      // to record
              if(totaldisto+100>=totaldist && totaldisto-100<=totaldist)
              { lowendo=lowend; lowend=totaldist; } else {lowcount=0;}
            } else {//else the count is restarted and the search for consecutive
                    // low points resumes
              if(totaldisto+100>=totaldist && totaldisto-100<=totaldist)
              {  lowcount++; } else { lowcount=0; }


         /*if the last low end point is close enough to the current low end
        point, then start saying that maybe we're stopping or have stopped */
          if(lowendo+100>=lowend && lowendo-100<=lowend)
          {staycount++; stayold2=lowendo;}else{staycount=0;}
          /* if we've been at a low end for quite a while and its not the 
          beginning of the program then check to see if we've been staying 
             at the same place as well and if so then say that we think that 
             we've stopped */
          if(staycount>=3 && highend!=0 && lowend!= 0 && stayold!=stayold2)

            Serial.print(" ");
            if (stops == 1) {
              digitalWrite(yellowLedPin, HIGH);   // turn on the yellow LED
            if (stops == 0) {
              digitalWrite(yellowLedPin, LOW);   // turn off the yellow LED
              digitalWrite(redLedPin, HIGH);     // turn on the red LED
              digitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH);     // turn on the buzzer
              buzzerState = 1;



          //this is the number we need to play with to finesse things
          if(iterationo+8 < iteration){mystopcount=-1;}
          if(iterationo+3 < iteration){
          digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW); digitalWrite(redLedPin,LOW);

          /* reset distances and times */



        /*below this line is all graph data */

        y = analogValue0;
        d1 =  y- d1o;
        d1o = y;

        y = analogValue1;
        d2 = y - d2o;
        d2o = y;

        y = analogValue2;
        d3 = y - d3o;
        d3o = y;

        if(d1o != 0 && d2o != 0 && d3o != 0)
          distance = sqrt(sq(d1)+sq(d2)+sq(d3));
          distanceo= distance;

        //Speed (averaged over time (every reading is 1 second)), reset @ STOPs
        totaldist+=distance;  //DONT'T DELETE THIS LINE OR EVERYTHING WILL DIE
        velocity = totaldist/count;

        accel = velocity/count;

        count++;  //OR THIS


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Rudolph is an adventure/exploration game in which you play a reindeer named Rudolph trying to escape from the clutches of Evil Santa and his minions.


Game Design Document

Technical Design Document

Demo – Unzip and run santa.exe (Game may take a while to load – especially if you have a slow computer)

Suggested minimum system specs:

1 gb RAM, 2 GHz processor, 300 mb free space, Windowx XP+


W- foward, S-back, A-strafe left, D-strafe right. E-interact with objects
(aim with nose). Spacebar- Jump, Tab- change views | For more controls and
key bind options see the options menu.

Use the mouse to turn left and right.
Hit Alt-C to detach the camera and explore the whole level.

Level Layouts – Overhead View

Level One – The Stables
Level Two – The Yard
Level Three – The Workshop


The demo was developed along with 4 other people.
Two programmers: Mike Koslam, Nicholas Bossy.
Two artists: Jeff Onken, Jason Partridge

My tasks included game/level design, object placement and sound.

This demo was made using the Torque game engine.


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The JetScript program is a graphical user interface (GUI) which will allow users to create powerful interpreted scripts while requiring no knowledge of how to write/code such scripts

Instead of typing out the scripts themselves, users will make use of various program widgets. One example of a creatable script would be one that takes input from a file, manipulates the data, and outputs the results to a second file.

    JetScript is not intended as a script editor; scripts the user already has access to will not be able to be altered using JetScript. However, we have incorporated a separate file format to allow saving and loading script projects created in our program. So, the graphical representation of a script can be saved and loaded using our file format; our program is not intended to create graphical representations for existing scripts.

    JetScript will also not be able to run the scripts it creates; for example, if the user creates a shell script, the program will not be able to interpret the script. The function of the script will be clear to the user, since she created it, so there should be little need for incorporated interpreters.


This software can run on both Windows and Unix machines.

Program Requirements:
– Python 2.3.4 or most recent version
– Unix or Windows

Download latest version here [local copy] or visit the official website at sourceforge.
(Unzip and follow installation instructions in user manual)


This project was co-authored with Ethan Glasser-Camp.

I would also like to thank the following for their help with this project:
– Theodore Walker
– All things caffinated


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Electrocardiograph Reader for Linux.

    Most electrocardiogram programs require the use of a special Data Aquisition card. QEcg is a program to interpret an electrocardiogram through the sound card on a Linux computer. The program displays the ECG and calculates the heart rate. This program can be used with an ECG simulator or even a real ECG ( although the ECG will need to be amplified using a circuit such as that described here or here [local copy] ). Just connect the ECG output to the sound card and run the program. It only works under Linux.

This software was ported from the original Windows version described here or here [local copy].

Program requirements:

  • Qt version 3.x or most recent version.
  • A recent version of the gcc compiler.
  • 8 bit minimum soundcard
  • – Linux


QEcg. ( Uncompress by: zcat qecg.tgz | tar xfv – )


This project was supported by the Research Experience for Undergraduates program of the National Science Foundation, under grant DBI-0096596 (PI: David Christini, Ph.D.)
I would like to thank the following people for their help with this project:

  • Jason Nguyen
  • David Christini, Ph.D.
  • Calin Culianu
  • Anil Maybhate, Ph.D.
  • Yunfan Gong, Ph.D.