Fan-Fiction: Heart of Darkness

Posted by | Collective Storytelling, ITP | No Comments

A fanfic based on Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness.

Thinking up and writing this was alot of fun and I had to do alot of research (about the victorian era especially). Not sure I captured the feeling I wanted but overall, I’m happy with it so far. I kind of want to expand it and expand Kurtz more.

Reminscing about Kurtz

“It has come to my attention recently that there has been a bit of a fuss regarding the death of one Mr. Kurtz. Quite frankly, I believe the management up at Central is making a big deal over a small matter… as usual; though I must admit that the shock of the news, once received, caused me to spill my tea on my morning paper.”

My uncle shifted in his seat as he reached to pour us both new cups. The lavender scent of the tea hung in the air as he performed the task. Uncle was, in this, as in all things, very careful. Watching him pour tea seemed somehow very ceremonious and I took the time to examine him again. It had been some 3 years since we had last seen each other and receiving a summons to come visit him was, though unexpected, a pleasant surprise.

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response to converg/culture chap 1, 4 & 5

Posted by | Collective Storytelling, ITP | No Comments

I had no idea such a community of spoilers existed. It was rather startling for me, for whom a spoiler is generally a frowned upon thing. However, given the amount of speculation that goes on over any given popular thing on the internet, it doesn’t seem like that great a leap for there to be another group of people who just “have to know.”

The struggle that corporations have with their intellectual property being dealt with in whatever manner a fans sees fit will probably never go away as long as they’re interested in making money. Both groups feel a strong sense of entitlement. I’m on the side of the fans as long as they’re not trying to make money off of someone else’s work. As long as that’s the case, who cares really what they’re up to?

6 word story. 55 word story.

Posted by | Collective Storytelling, ITP | No Comments

I decided to do a 6 word story and 55 word story as those seemed alot more challenging than a 400 word story. I’ve always been a fan of getting as much information across as consisely as possible, but sometimes… it’d difficult. Especially choosing a topic.

6 word story

Surrounded by friends: my first kiss.

55 word story

A day in the life

These things happened:

     “Would you like to tango?”
     She said no.

     Came up with a plan.

     She said no.

     I spent.      several.     hours.      drawing. . . a picture.

     She said no.

     Brushed my teeth.
     Deodorant AND lotion.

     She said no.

     Met my boss. We brainstormed “the situation.”

     She said no.

Except, not in that order.

4 in 4 summer 2009 (day 4)

Posted by | General, ITP | No Comments

Well on day 4 I decided to redesign this website from scratch.

For posterity, and also, eventually in the images section. Here’s a screencap of a near final version of it.

I managed to finish most of the actual design for the blog section, but I ran out of time before I could try and build a CMS for my media and portfolio.

Update: As of now the CMS is pretty much done. Just did a very simple plug and chug thing in php.

4 in 4 summer 2009 (day 3)

Posted by | General, ITP | No Comments

On the 3rd day I made a song using sounds I’ve been continually collecting from M-Audio’s and the media lab for the past couple months.

Actually, I got bored after a while and decided to stop :/

4 in 4 summer 2009 (day 1)

Posted by | General, ITP | No Comments

So this summer I did 4-in-4 again.
I blogged about it on their site and finally updating it here.

So on the first day I made portraits of 6 people: “Karla Calderon, Diego Rioja, Xue Hou, Jorge Just, Elizabeth Fuller, and Oscar Torres.”

I didn’t focus on their actual physical appearance (for the most part), but on how I perceived them. For pictures I’ve included two versions. One with lineart, one without. I also put the original sketches at the end.
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