stuff I’m working on right now

Posted by | Animation, General, ITP | No Comments

So, I’m working on a paper cut out stop motion animation w/ Xue. You can find some really pretty documentation on her blog

My camera is still defunct, which is why I don’t have any documentation of the above. Looking to buy a new one. I spent a weekend playing around with the new Lumix DMC-LX3. It’s pretty sexy and after playing around with the one in the ER for a few days, I think I want it. Unfortunately it’s sold out. 🙁

I’ve been working hard on a Facebook game for WaterAid America with Scott and Asli. It’s coming along nicely, though of course delayed (as these things often are). We’d hoped to be done by this friday but most likely it’ll be another week before we start any sort of serious user testing and another month before the game is in a state to be released to the slavering masses.

My last summer project is going to be located at It’s pretty much what it sounds like, but that’s the only hint i’ll give about it ^_^

Also, it’s about high time this website got a new look. I’m definetly tired of this one.

bear, the mostport

Posted by | Animals, People, and those In-Between, ITP | No Comments

So I finished the bear animation and it was pretty well recieved. I was trying to see if I could take a cute thing and make it not quite so cute. I’m not sure wether or not I succeeded in that. It turned out to be pretty amusing, but still within the realm of “cute” according to the feedback I got.

One interesting piece of feedback I got was that I should perhaps have made the girl masturbate with the bear. That’s not really the route I wanted to take, but it would have been pretty provocative. In the end, I’m pretty happy with the piece, though the side view of the girl needs more work in my opinion. I think I like working with these flat (2D) characters. At least for pieces like this.

The cuteness of things

Posted by | Animals, People, and those In-Between, ITP | No Comments

So an interesting topic was raised recently. And i’m curious, how far can cute take you before it becomes perverse or scary? So here’s the storyboard for an comic / animation / (moving comic with sound) with I plan to do.
storyboard5 or as PDF

I’m not sure which of the two endings I want to go with. Should the girl die by teddy bear? Or should the teddy bear suffer burnination?

PostMor (animal subject/object)

Posted by | Animals, People, and those In-Between, ITP | No Comments

So here’s the wrap-up for the animal subject and object projects.

I really had fun with these projects. It was fun figuring out how to get the right point of view and present things in a way that got everything across. These are supposed to be 2 seperate pieces giving two viewpoints of the same story. It kind of worked and didn’t at the same time. A couple people who saw it got it, but they said that the pieces were two distinct and didn’t seem like they went together.

I got a few good suggestions for the two pieces.

  • Add flicker lines to the subject animation to give it a more old time movie feel. (I’m going to incorporate that technique into a different animation now.)
  • Slow down the words in the object animation. Which is a good point. Especially on a bigger screen where your eyes don’t read as fast.
  • The gunshot transition in the object animation. Flash a red screen and make it more violent. Funny story, I had the same thought about making it more violent, but I didnt shake the camera enough I guess. It looked too smooth.

Mordume the Opossum

Posted by | Animals, People, and those In-Between, ITP | No Comments

The character I chose for this assignment was an opossum I dubbed Mordume. He was shot and presumably left for dead outside an apartment building. Guarded by children, he was soon picked up by a cop with a penchant for saving wild animals. Taken to a vet who also specialized in saving wild folk, he was given surgery that would have cost $9000 and an estimated $700 more would be needed in terms of food and supplies before he was ready to be released.
Read the original article here.

Ah Mordume. Such a life.