Project Attributes research

Environment as a Part of Cognition

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    This paper focuses on finding out which representation
of the cognitive system is more accurate to our actual method of thinking.
The three views explored are cognitive offloading, the environment as part
of cognition and symbolic cognition. The task used to test the theory was
a series of Tangram puzzles. The result data supported the environment as
part of cognition as the viewpoint best explaining cognitive processes.

Click here for the full research paper.

Music and Cognition in Video Games

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    This study investigated the effect of music on subject’s performance on a concurrent task. Five types of music (based on arousal level) were used. Subjects completed 5 rounds of Tetris each with a different type of music selected at random. The subject’s familiarity and activation levels were measured and the results were analyzed to determine any correlation to reaction/movement times and task performance. Results indicated a strong correlation between familiarity and arousal level of the music to task performance with a high familiarity and arousal leading to low performance. There was little correlation between familiarity and reaction/movement times, but a moderately high correlation to the arousal level.

Click here for the full research paper.