Project Attributes software architecture

Last Baby Standing

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“A marauding space fungus threatens all life on Earth! The only hope is to breed your Facebook friends with each other, to find the genetically immune child who can save humanity from certain extinction. Note: Achieving genetic immunity isn’t easy! Remember, this is a very dangerous space fungus.”

This game was made in 3 days as part of the global game jam.

My part in this project was frontend development/design. There were 3 other team members: Adam Parrish (backend programming/design), Rub Dubbin (writer/design), and Tims Gardener (art/design).


You can play the game at

The object of the game is to breed your friends to make the strongest one.
We grab as much data as possible from your fb network to generate statistics on your friends.


You can download the game from the Global Game Jam website at


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The JetScript program is a graphical user interface (GUI) which will allow users to create powerful interpreted scripts while requiring no knowledge of how to write/code such scripts

Instead of typing out the scripts themselves, users will make use of various program widgets. One example of a creatable script would be one that takes input from a file, manipulates the data, and outputs the results to a second file.

    JetScript is not intended as a script editor; scripts the user already has access to will not be able to be altered using JetScript. However, we have incorporated a separate file format to allow saving and loading script projects created in our program. So, the graphical representation of a script can be saved and loaded using our file format; our program is not intended to create graphical representations for existing scripts.

    JetScript will also not be able to run the scripts it creates; for example, if the user creates a shell script, the program will not be able to interpret the script. The function of the script will be clear to the user, since she created it, so there should be little need for incorporated interpreters.


This software can run on both Windows and Unix machines.

Program Requirements:
– Python 2.3.4 or most recent version
– Unix or Windows

Download latest version here [local copy] or visit the official website at sourceforge.
(Unzip and follow installation instructions in user manual)


This project was co-authored with Ethan Glasser-Camp.

I would also like to thank the following for their help with this project:
– Theodore Walker
– All things caffinated

New York University

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New York University has commissioned several projects over the years including:

  • NYU Sustainability website
  • ITS Service Catalogue & Service Status Calendar
  • Food and Climate Summit website
  • NYU Paris Library Reconstruction project
  • ITS Finance web application
  • Various Global Technology Service websites
Within each project, time was spent sitting with the client and gaugingout their needs. Research into available tools and available client material was necessary in order to fully judge the scope of work.
NYU has unique branding guidelines all their own, so most of the work was done figuring out how to best set up the project in a way that was user friendly and was easily updatable.
These web applications were developed using a mix of:

  • PHP
  • Javascript ( jQuery / angular )
  • CSS 2 & 3

Tested cross browser for compatibility with the most recent browsers used around the client offices.