My thesis is //
// Essentially the split between reality and reality.
There is the reality you imagine you are in… and then the reality that really is. You are constantly constructing a false reality for yourself. (The fact that I call it a false reality is somewhat misleading. No matter how false it is, as long as it is real to you, then it remains a reality).
What truly goes on, if realized in a way that you could understand, would destroy your reality and create a new one. Humans are, after a certain age, more and more resistant to this rather personal destruction of a world they’ve long struggled to create. And so when presenting ideas to them, the best way to do it is through abstraction and fantasy.
You must lead them to these new realities by introducting new ideas in ways that do not hammer at them, but rather present themselves in ways that allow them to occur as if the subject has thought of them as his/her own.
It must, in essence, become “unreal.”
(see freud’s ideas of ‘the umlaut’)
When we seek, when we look inside ourselves to see… “this is what I think, this is what I feel” it is… painful! It is scary. Even when we truly wish to do it, still we shy away. There is something there that is so real; so blantantly in-your-face-real that it would shatter our realities without a doubt. Deep down we know this. We use terms like “facing the darkness within” or “descending into ourselves.” Some train themselves through meditation or what have you to look at it as “revealing” or “ascending” or “enlightenment.” But no matter the terms, it is essentially the same.
You are taking what is real and changing it to something else. You go through your reality to fantasy (or un-reality) which brings forth this reality again.
It is these moments of change – of mental shift – that I wish to incite/investigate/release/demand… call it what you will. I attempt to create these moments in all that I do.