Visual Communications

Revamp and new pics

Posted by | ITP, Visual Communications | No Comments

Alright, so i updated to fonts on this and added a couple new ideas for website header pics. The fonts used are Copperplate Gothic Light for the titles and Stewardson for the text. I hope those are common fonts or people will just see Times New Roman and Arial.

Music and Me

Posted by | ITP, Visual Communications | No Comments

So the topic this week was to choose some aspect of my life and visualize it. I think the hardest part was just choosing something. I wanted to do something that would matter to me. So… what happens alot in my life right now?

  • Books
  • Music
  • Food
  • Sleep

Yea, so I looked at my bookshelf, started counting. Got to around 300 and said No.
Food and sleep I just don’t remember to write stuff like that down. So music it is.

So, I guess I can finally give a straight answer when people ask what music I
listen to. Unknown.



Also, though I don’t really care for them much… here’s a couple wordables of all the data.

I used an the Mp3tag editor to generate and export the data i needed (cause w/ 5900 mp3’s you do not wanna do this by hand) and did a quicky program in processing to proccess all that data. (ooh, a pun!) Code is below.
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color blox

Posted by | ITP, Visual Communications | No Comments

Latest viscomm assignment:
6 complementary color blocks, 3 analagous color blocks, picture background color choice.

Todo: Fix the css for the gallery code.

~look at all the pretty colors~

Posted by | ITP, Visual Communications | No Comments

Examples of different color schemes in websites.

I got a 22 on my color score. Meh.

I used randomwebsite to find all of these.

Eastbay Express as Monochrome.
Cexx – as Analogous. (Also, from personal experience, I’d recommend this as a very useful website for web security.)
Red/Green as Complementary.
Raaga as Triad. Wee, its more like tetra but… wow sites like these are hard to find. (good music though. i’ve used this site before.)
Isole as ???. Red white and black. Where does it fall in the scheme of things? Monochrome?


Posted by | ITP, Visual Communications | No Comments

Here’s my own logo design for ITP. It was kind of inspired by the style of Herb Lubalin, whose families and mother & child logos personify one or a few leters.

I think the P is a bit off.

However, out of the logos I saw, my favorite was Michael Peter’s(OBE) Nabarro logo pictured below. He’s been a designer for over 35 years and has received numerous awards and distinctions. Unfortunately, other than this logo, nothing else of his really caught my eye.


Posted by | ITP, Visual Communications | No Comments

Websites analyzed for organization, consistency, color, and typography. I choose
They have a consistent color scheme: Green and white. Not sure why they chose it, but it looks nice. They only have 1 or 2 typeface that they use for the most part, though their weblogo is different.
The organization is in a clear, grid hierarchy. This can be seen here . Click on the picture to see the grid breakdown.

My only concern is that it looks as if they try to cram too much on the page.