

Posted by | Writing | No Comments

a creature, a man
takes a step foward and
we realize that a step is


cause and effect
situation where
the free lives lie and the


free light
unequivocable charge
the ancients who dance and
rumpus moonshake dollar bills

soon follow

a system

Posted by | ITP, Softness of Things | No Comments

The assignment was to create a system. I worked w/ lara, elie, and milena to destroy worlds and conquer… oh wait. To create a game system where there’s a certain input and 3 outputs.

The Input

One sheet of paper with a short poem on it.


• Each person in the team chooses a role
• Everyone can only perform tasks associated with their role
• Every teammate must participate to create the output

– Everyone must pick a role
– Each person must perform their role
before the end of the task
– If manager, you must direct and order
teammates, they can not operate unless you
say so.
– If you choose to take a break, it must be for
the entire duration of the task and can not
help your teammates.

• 3 goals are revealed after the roles are
• You can change roles after each goal
• You have 3 minutes to complete each goal


• Colorer: Color, black out
• Word changer: Change any word on the sheet of
• Cutter: Cut, shred, destroy
• Attacher: Use paper clips, glue, stapler
• Folder: Fold paper
• Printer: Print paper with any content on it
• Manager: Direct teammates who must follow your
• Gopher/Take a break: Fetch whatever teammates
request or decide to take a break during the task


1. Make a duck.
2. Make a poem/story about your duck.
3. Exhibit your poem/story and your duck.

Group Thoughts

We are inviting the mind as a process itself.
Specific goals have a blur once put through
the relative, interpretive mind of the human.
How many ways can you think of representing
our goals with the items that are given to

A closed system verging on emergent.
It has a start and a finish, yet the flexibility to
give different results. Such as the possible
combinations of roles that can exist in each
group. The team can have different
capabilities which will result in different
interpretations of the tasks.

sweet love

Posted by | ITP, Writing | No Comments

I went out to play
On a virtuous day
In this sea they call sweet love.
I found a nice girl,
So i gave her a twirl
And tried on her velvet glove.
She gave me a smile
Then laughed for a long while.
I’m sure she thought of a joke,
   A joke,
   A joke,
I’m sure sure she thought of a joke.

still thinking about thesis

Posted by | ITP, Thesis, Writing | No Comments

My thesis is //

// Essentially the split between reality and reality.

There is the reality you imagine you are in… and then the reality that really is. You are constantly constructing a false reality for yourself. (The fact that I call it a false reality is somewhat misleading. No matter how false it is, as long as it is real to you, then it remains a reality).

What truly goes on, if realized in a way that you could understand, would destroy your reality and create a new one. Humans are, after a certain age, more and more resistant to this rather personal destruction of a world they’ve long struggled to create. And so when presenting ideas to them, the best way to do it is through abstraction and fantasy.

You must lead them to these new realities by introducting new ideas in ways that do not hammer at them, but rather present themselves in ways that allow them to occur as if the subject has thought of them as his/her own.

It must, in essence, become “unreal.”

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thinking about thesis

Posted by | ITP, Thesis, Writing | No Comments


What is the mood I seek? That is a fairly hard question. One might say, I seek the macabre. To disgust, shock, scare and horrify. But that would be untrue. The mood I seek is that of revelation. Of truth. My mental model of the world is based on what I consider irrefutable, sometimes harsh, truths. Truths that people do not want to admit to, but exist nonetheless. I like, admire, and seek to exemplify those works which dig at the so called “dirty” heart of humankind or indeed of life in general.

But, to do so is difficult. One cannot just say “such and such a thing is true” or “this is what you must believe.” People do not respond well to that sort of diatribe. You have to coax them, startle them, or somehow guide them along a path to an idea. You must force them to reveal the idea to themselves. Only then will they know it is true. Writers have been doing this since before we can remember. The world of literature has been exposing these truths time and time again. But in animation… it is rare that I see this happen. Sometimes it does. Don’t get me wrong. But not nearly as often.

And this is what I wish to do. Almost all of the stories I tell (written or digital) has dealt with something along this line. Though really, I don’t think of it in such terms. In my head, I usually think: “This is what I think and this is what I feel. Now how can I abstract it so that others may draw the same conclusions.”

Something nice, for a change.

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“Why don’t you write something nice for a change?”

That’s what she said.

And he said.

And hell, even I used to say – until I realized that I didn’t like nice and pleasant stories. They’re bland and uninteresting and at best they’re useful for teaching young children how to read. .

But what the hell. Let’s give it a shot. I’ll do my best to tell a pleasant story.

v This is where the story begins.

There once was a rabbit. No, let’s make him a white bunny. And fluffy and cute. But let’s not give him a name because a name implies too much and anyway, it doesn’t matter what he’s called because the first thing you say when you see him is “awww” and his mother never would have named him that because rabbits can’t make that sound in the first place.

The bunny was sitting in the middle of a meadow. There were a few trees here and there. The sun was shining, There was a light breeze and a river sparkling in the distance. The bunny had just eaten. It was… pleasant. All of a sudden the wind shifted and the bunny shot up, alert. His cute little nose wiggled and his chubby tailed twitched. “But, what is this?” you may ask. “But you said this was going to be a nice story,” you may argue.

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Delicious Crêpe

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Today, I had a crêpe.

Delicious crêpe, golden brown, sitting inside the bowl. I gazed at it with adoration. It was big and I was healthy. I loved the sweet, stinking aroma that rose from the crêpe. The brown sludge that oozed from the sides, was a little off-putting though.

I nibbled on it gently, creamy goodness cascading down my throat.

And then I flushed the toilet.

Mental connections

Posted by | ITP, Softness of Things | No Comments

Thinking about how people communicate, how they connect. Over time, it constantly evolves. I’m attempting to create a digital-mental connector.

It’s here.

11 words at random

Posted by | ITP, Writing | One Comment

huge beautiful woman

her delicious heaven

down here

take bite


i’ve seriously been slacking here. but last two days have been too busy.
here’s a poem made with 11 words i chose at random. damn it i still have to put up that story i promised. tonight. maybe.