a system

Posted by | February 19, 2010 | ITP, Softness of Things | No Comments

The assignment was to create a system. I worked w/ lara, elie, and milena to destroy worlds and conquer… oh wait. To create a game system where there’s a certain input and 3 outputs.

The Input

One sheet of paper with a short poem on it.


• Each person in the team chooses a role
• Everyone can only perform tasks associated with their role
• Every teammate must participate to create the output

– Everyone must pick a role
– Each person must perform their role
before the end of the task
– If manager, you must direct and order
teammates, they can not operate unless you
say so.
– If you choose to take a break, it must be for
the entire duration of the task and can not
help your teammates.

• 3 goals are revealed after the roles are
• You can change roles after each goal
• You have 3 minutes to complete each goal


• Colorer: Color, black out
• Word changer: Change any word on the sheet of
• Cutter: Cut, shred, destroy
• Attacher: Use paper clips, glue, stapler
• Folder: Fold paper
• Printer: Print paper with any content on it
• Manager: Direct teammates who must follow your
• Gopher/Take a break: Fetch whatever teammates
request or decide to take a break during the task


1. Make a duck.
2. Make a poem/story about your duck.
3. Exhibit your poem/story and your duck.

Group Thoughts

We are inviting the mind as a process itself.
Specific goals have a blur once put through
the relative, interpretive mind of the human.
How many ways can you think of representing
our goals with the items that are given to

A closed system verging on emergent.
It has a start and a finish, yet the flexibility to
give different results. Such as the possible
combinations of roles that can exist in each
group. The team can have different
capabilities which will result in different
interpretations of the tasks.

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