color blox

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Latest viscomm assignment:
6 complementary color blocks, 3 analagous color blocks, picture background color choice.

Todo: Fix the css for the gallery code.

Prototypin’ (midterm docs p1)

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Jayoung, Neo, Ozge and I (henceforth refered to as the Gibbering Rulers of Über People a.k.a. “the Group”), came up with an idea to create a random free-write-style word generator.

I spent a bit of last night testing stuff out with a small prototype and the most important thing I learned was this. It’s hard to flip dice. It’s easy to make a ball roll. This startling and amazing revelation will surely shock and astonish the rest of the Group as well (we’ve been stuck on this cube idea for a bit now). I shall surely let them know tomorrow.

~look at all the pretty colors~

Posted by | ITP, Visual Communications | No Comments

Examples of different color schemes in websites.

I got a 22 on my color score. Meh.

I used randomwebsite to find all of these.

Eastbay Express as Monochrome.
Cexx – as Analogous. (Also, from personal experience, I’d recommend this as a very useful website for web security.)
Red/Green as Complementary.
Raaga as Triad. Wee, its more like tetra but… wow sites like these are hard to find. (good music though. i’ve used this site before.)
Isole as ???. Red white and black. Where does it fall in the scheme of things? Monochrome?

Una palabra no dice nada…

Posted by | ITP, Physical Computing | No Comments

… and neither does a picture. Or something like that.

So my first time into processing and… i kinda like it. My only gripe is it’s name. I dare you to go to google and look do a casual search for code using the name “processing.” Go ahead. I’ll wait.

Anyhoo, here’s my etch-a-sketch.

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Here’s my own logo design for ITP. It was kind of inspired by the style of Herb Lubalin, whose families and mother & child logos personify one or a few leters.

I think the P is a bit off.

However, out of the logos I saw, my favorite was Michael Peter’s(OBE) Nabarro logo pictured below. He’s been a designer for over 35 years and has received numerous awards and distinctions. Unfortunately, other than this logo, nothing else of his really caught my eye.

Idea Factory, part 2

Posted by | ITP, Physical Computing | No Comments

OK! Unloading the old noggin again.

  • Hat Angle: As a man, you should wear your hat at a rakish angle. However, finding the right angle for you can take quite alot of mirror work. And once you find it, if you take off the hat, you have to find it again the next time. So, make a device that remembers the position at which you last wore your hat, allowing you to make only minute adjustments the next time.
  • Sk8ter Love: So yea, I bought a skateboard a few months ago, but this-and-that happened and I havnt been able to ride it more than 4 times. But! From what I’ve noticed while teaching myself to ride, I have a tendency to get .. not scared, but unnerved while going down steep hills really fast (or at least really fast to me). It would be nice to have some sort of feedback device letting me know ~how fast I’m going or that I’m still on balance. Give me some artificial confidence … or let me know that if i don’t hop off soon I may die. Also.. can someone teach me the proper way to stop on a skateboard? 🙁
  • Auto Airbag: This would be a personal airbag, you could strap onto your body. It detects when you’re moving faster than a certain speed, say… 9.8 m/s and when a collision w/ something is immenent it deploys an airbag in that direction. So you could possibly just throw yourself at the ground… at the walls… at people all day long and never suffer any damage.
  • Exersize Buddy: Mmm, I’ve not really worked out at all since I started the moving process a few months ago. And trying to fit in gym time while living in BK and school in Manhattan hasn’t really been working out. Usually I get to ITP with only 15 minutes to spare and by the time I’m finished my work on the floor I just wanna go eat/sleep/die. But the real problem lies at home. I absolutely hate working out just by itself. If i’m at the gym then I’ll get in a solid hour because I don’t want to end up looking like a punk. But at home, it’s just me… and I lack motivation. So! Introducing the Exercize Buddy. You put a number in the system and have to touch two things togehter 100 times. It turns into a game. Touch them together by doing pushups, jumping jacks, situps. Oh yea, and it yells encouragement at you, Ahnold Shwartz style. “Ya… do eet. Pump dat iron!”, and such.