I worked on this w/ Timothy “Tims” Gardner, Paul Rothman, & Nahana Shelling.
Old: This one.
So here we sit. Our laptop is broken. We cry. We cry. And then we remember. So trains go places. And we go with them. Our sleepiness and bookreading goes with us. The train stops interrupt. Grr. Why do you interrupt? Why?
So we no longer notice the stops. But the end approaches. The end of our journey. The end of our life on the train. The end of all things trainy. A notification is required.
Viola! Train Watch. It buzzes, it beeps, it blinks. Ok, that was a lie. It only buzzes. We have data, yes we do. Data the likes of which you have never seen. We can haz colored linez? Yes. Yes we can.
STOP. Image time.
The Key:
color == data
red — x
green — y
blue — z
purple — distance
teal — speed
black — acceleration
vertical blue – stops/starts
So the topic this week was to choose some aspect of my life and visualize it. I think the hardest part was just choosing something. I wanted to do something that would matter to me. So… what happens alot in my life right now?
- Books
- Music
- Food
- Sleep
Yea, so I looked at my bookshelf, started counting. Got to around 300 and said No.
Food and sleep I just don’t remember to write stuff like that down. So music it is.
So, I guess I can finally give a straight answer when people ask what music I
listen to. Unknown.
Also, though I don’t really care for them much… here’s a couple wordables of all the data.
I used an the Mp3tag editor to generate and export the data i needed (cause w/ 5900 mp3’s you do not wanna do this by hand) and did a quicky program in processing to proccess all that data. (ooh, a pun!) Code is below.
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Ok, so here’s my top ideas: (wrote them late last night before i went to bed so the grammar may be a bit wierd)
- ok, so a shadow thing that goes buh bum buh bum and changes to match your shape – built out of cloth – mini doll thing pic1
- passerby-shadows captured-fade down as time pass-worn out by footstep vibrations- blend softly smooth into each other-twist and morph-and then cease to exist. OR dancing shadow
pic pic2 - minature house filled w/ booby traps pic
- watch that notifies you when your stop is coming up on the train pic
- device that switches your music if it senses you’re falling asleep pic
- a device to detect if you’re doing a motion (say martial arts form) correctly pic
Worked w/ Asli Sevinc & Diego Rioja on this project. We took different sound clips and combined them into a one-minute sound piece.
I really like how it came out but I think there’s a slight problem with the noise balancing when going between different size speakers. Also, sorry about the huge .wav file.
So here are the deigns i finally decided on.
And here are the rejected ones along the way:
So this past weekend, our assignment was to relax. A bit of a foreign concept, I first tried getting large amounts of sleep. That, failing to impress me, I spent the day wandering around the city, seeing the sights. I saw the chanel exhibit in the part (rather well done i think) as well as a pumpkin festival at the same time. I almost visited MAD, but got spirited away at the last moment for a romp around times square.
Oh! And i finally was able to find the time to clean my apartment after two weeks. I went to Oscar’s bday party and hung out with friends here and there. It was good times really. Good times. Now the week isn’t quite over so i’m going to go and get as much more relaxing in as possible.
I’ll start with Truax since that’s the easiest. This work came across as just a bit dated, but it was still very relevant. I like how he gave a pretty objective discourse and explained alot of facts. I learned a little bit about sound theory here that I didn’t know before.
I found his idea of “schizophonia” to be a bit amusing and really interesting. I’ve never thought of my relation to sound in that way before, but I have thought alot about how background music and ambient noise affects mood and performance. Some people do their best work in a quiet environment, but I find the quiet rooms here at school to be entirely too discracting!