Follow the Creed.

Posted by | September 14, 2008 | Games, General | No Comments

I’ve just finished playing Assassin’s Creed and I really have to say that as far as games go, this one by far takes the cake for an epic fail of an ending. I havn’t felt so dissapointed since I found out that Shenmue was going to be discontinued. *sniff* Poor Shenmue.

Other than the end though, the game was great. Well thought out gameplay and I really did enjoy pwning all those guards on the rooftops and the huge gangbang fights towards the end. Also, I’m really, really glad that they didn’t have any jumping puzzles. The only thing that came close to a jumping puzzle was the stage where you had all thse boats in the water. Ah, poor Altair. He’d probably drown in a deep puddle. But when the time for assassination came I ended up not going the boat-hopping route anyhoo.

Now to wait for Assassin’s Creed 2. I really liked where the storyline was going 🙁

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