For the past week or two i’ve been having this feeling like the i(insert application here) is trying to take over my pc. I have itunes on my pc, used mainly for importing/burning cd’s and quick audio conversions. I also have quicktime on my pc … to play quicktime movies. Normal… great… right? wrong
For what seems like AGES now I’ve been fighting with quicktimes insistence that it has to run at startup. Why does it want to do this? I dunno. I definetly don’t want it to do this. But it insists on trying to insert QuickTimeTask into my startup services whenever I scratch myself or take a pee. Same with iTunesHelper and i think i even saw something called AppleMobileDevice pop up recently…. ¿Que Fuq? I don’t even own a bloody apple mobile device.
The worst part is the updates. I have the apple updates thingy that pops up every once in a while. That’s cool. I don’t mind it. I like to keep my applications updated. Makes for smoother sailing (usually) in the long run. BUT!!! For some reason, the geniouses who made the apple update program decided it would be a grand old idea to set my audio settings and mime setting so that when i click on an mp3, instead of getting my usual DL box, i see this giant blue Q offending my sensibilities and raping my eyeballs. Really? Why? Y? *sigh* It took me a good 5 minutes to figure out that I had to go to mime settings to change the mp3 setting, because if you do it in the regular settings, quicktime just lol’s at you…. wtf is MIME anyway? Don’t answer that. I’ll google it.