Happy Turkey Day to those of you who eat turkey, dry meat that it is. Though it can be good if prepared correctly.
I finally got my new laptop. A thinkpad T400. Yea, I know the inverters on my last 2 thinkpad’s died after 3 years but it’s still a solid machine. I’m hoping that those were just flukes.
I’m going to spend the day cleaning my place for the first time in … 3 weeks? I’ve been so busy w/ schoolwork that I really just go home, sleep, wake up, go to school. It’s winding down now though. I look foward to next semester.
Still don’t know what I’m doing for winter break. Probably catching up on my tv shows, anime, and video games. Maybe I’ll go out with like… women and stuff (I hear it’s all the rage these days). The possibilities are endless…