So christmas and new years have both passed without much incident. A few of my friends are in town. I’ll most likely see them before the week is out, but what’s really good are the two events coming up in the next couple weeks.
The first one is Game Day. On Jan 11th, a bunch of us will get together and play all sorts of board and video games, while snacking on snacks, drinking drinks, and generally making merry.
The other event is 4-in-4. That’s 4 projects in 4 days, starting on Jan 12th. I’ve a vauge idea of what I want to do. Something about writing a story, maybe make some music, do something with someone else, and pen a manga/comic. We’ll see how it turns out. I suspect a goodly portion of the day will actually involve planning out the thing… unless I just go ahead and plan it out in the next week. Though that’s not terribly likely to happen.
Right now my main projects are:
- Expanding my music library
- Getting comfortable with my new pen tablet
- Reading all the books I’ve fallen behind on
- Starting to get back into some sort of workout routine. … Seriously I hate working out. Unless it’s with a group of people, in which case my primary motivation is one of competition rather than any sort of strong desire to get in shape.
Speaking of friends, one just called and is a couple blocks away, so I’m gonna have to cut this blog short. Time to put on some clothes and run.