4-in-4 (Day 1): Comic – Happy Story / Sad Story

Posted by | January 15, 2009 | ITP | No Comments

On Day 1 I wrote a full comic/manga. It took longer than I thought it would, though it did get faster as i got more familiar with both my Bamboo tablet and Manga Studio (both great tools to use in this sort of thing).

I finally have something decentish to add to the art page on my website.

Here’s the content, after you read it then you can optionally look at the after paragraph to see if what you read matches with what I was trying to go for.

So my goal for this project was to create a comic that doesn’t really rely on words to tell the story. The images should (hopefully be) clear enough to relay the storyline. I considered using splashes of red to portray blood, but red is a tough color to work with. When I tried shading with it, it tended towards pink, and I didn’t really feel like going with the darker reds. I like how the story ended up. Hopefully my drawing gets better over time as there are some important story details that could be missed if I don’t draw them properly in later chapters.

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