So the idea was to make a flip book. At first I was going to take Ken from street fighter and do his shoryuken finisher. Then I realized that this is a flip book and that the animation is probably only going to last about 6 second. So… brainstoming time.
I let my brain have at it and the logical progression was thus:
Shroyuken = martial arts = punching = the point of impact of a fist on an object = fist to face = face getting blown off by force of punch, leaving a skull = baby-in-a-blender.
So I’m in the process of making a baby-in-a-blender flipbook that will be title’d “Impact.” Sounds good eh?
So I’ve storyboarded and timed it out in my head and I think I’ll do it by hand in pencil. I’ll use a soft pencil to trace out broad outlines, a softer one to fill and color’d pencils for the blood n stuff.
i’ll post the results once i’ve finished it.