Recently dodged a bullet with the whole jury duty thing. That woulda ruined a so-far great summer. Current projects in the works: A facebook game, A sweet stop-motion animation, and a new website.
Recently dodged a bullet with the whole jury duty thing. That woulda ruined a so-far great summer. Current projects in the works: A facebook game, A sweet stop-motion animation, and a new website.
I count my blessings to have Stephen Harper as Prime Minister.I am also thankful that Ontario voters saw the wisdom in voting in many conservative MPs to give Canada a Conservative majority gontenmevr.Thankyou
Hej Rikke! Hvor er du bare heldig! Og hvor er han da bare betænksom! Du er heldig at fÃ¥ sÃ¥dan en ordentlig portion hækleinspiration ind af døren sammen med en sød mand…Go hæklelyst!Kh. din nabo i cyberspace…
Alan,The fact that God knows all that’s gonna happen, doesnt meant that He causes everything to happen. Now, certainly, in the sovereignty of God, He does either cause something to happen, or He allows something to happen; but He does not cause everything to happen. Yep, God knew you would respond the calling of the Spirit on that date that you were saved….He knew…..But, that doesnt mean that He MADE you do it; like some kind of a puppet master working puppets.David
Evocare copleÅŸitoare a esenÅ£elor, a trăirii în lumea imaginară pe drumul iubirii, prin labirintul ei… aflat între viaţă ÅŸi… poduri sinucigaÅŸe. Subtilitatea mesajului ne lasă să alegem finalul destinului, tragic… sau nu.Cu multă feminitate ÅŸi aplomb versurile NuÅ£ei prind întotdeauna.Deosebită apreciere, Sofy!
There’s nothing like the relief of finding what you’re looking for.
112 Posted by 7b on 12April 26, 2010 at 1c10:14 pm 40 136Hi Donna, I enjoyed reading this post. Very inspiring! I admit I’ve been one to wait until I had things “perfect” before taking action. Now I do it anyway (most of the time). Appreciate your insights!