So my internet conks out last night. I call up optimum and they’re pretty helpful. Run some tests and tell me there’s a minor outage in the area. Wait a couple hours and it should be back up. A bit inconvenient, but fine.
I wake up 12 hours later and still no internet 🙁 I call them up, but I dont think the morning crew has had their coffee or something. Here’s my conversation.
Me: Hey… my internet’s been out for about 12 hours now.
Guy: Hm, you tried unplugging it?
Me: Yup.
Guy: “How many lights do you see?”
Me: One steady. One blinking.
Guy: Sounds like you’re screwed. Tell you what. I’ll have a guy come and look at it… when’s the most inconvenient time possible for you?
Me: …
Guy: Alright, tomorrow btwn 2pm and 5pm it is. Lol. You’re not gonna get anything done that you were planning to do.
Me: Any possibility of squeezing me in today or on the weekend?
Guy: Nope.
Me: Oh.
Anyhow. I go outside to ride over to someplace with internet. First thing I see when I’m outside is an Optimum Online truck … pulling out from the curb right in front of my house. Great.
We happen to be going in the same direction, so I’m riding my bike behind it. We turn the corner and… two more optimum online trucks. One parked looking at wires overhead. The other one eating a sandwich and having a conversation with the guy above him.
Guy: Lol
Zivi jesu ali ne veoma.Izostalo je ozbiljnije finansiranje, za sta su potrebni ozbiljniji projekti tematskih blogova kojih ima za prebrojati na prste jedne ruke.I drustvene mreze s posebno Tviter su ucinile svoje jer se mnogo brze i lakse izraziti u nekoliko puta po 140 karaktera nego pisati blog post.VA:F [1.p120_.166]9lease wait…VA:F [1.9.20_1166](from 2 votes)
That’s interesting. I didn’t know there was a variety of plans with weight watchers. I think I like the Flex Plan better as well! I’m excited to hear about your results!Good luck to you! : ]
Hallo Spotzl Du hast die Homepage wieder gut gemacht. Ich hoffe ich kann bald wieder mal kommen. Lg an alle Bussi dine Mama
Glauco Ferreira disse:Nash, utilizei o f0recast e apareceram as seguintes informações:Baseband: 05.12.01Bootloader: 6.4Model: MB715Jailbreakable?: Only if SHSH is savedUnlockable?: NO (em vermelho)Tethered?: NO (em verde)Com essas informações é possÃÂvel dizer se ele utiliza Spirit e se posso utilizar seu tutorial p/ atualizar p/ 4.0? 0 0
ayant fait l objet d une suspension de permis de 6 mois pour conduite en etat alcoolique celui m a été rendu avec une validité d un andois je faire l objet d une visite simple chez un medecin agréé ou de la commission de permis de conduire?
Still – there’s money in that picture, I am certain! But, next time, I will mouth the words when I read – it helps me better comprehend the material! “Yesterday morning.” Got it! — Man, what a house! Good grief!