Below is an excerpt of the story I did for Day 3. Download the full version here.
i to rule the world.
the winds to rule the next.
ground break and sweep
the remnants into the crack.
Boy woke up and shivered under the covers. He had to pee. It was the night time. Time for stillness and sleepings. Carefully, he pulled down the covers, bare feet quiet on the floor. Slowly, slowly he crept to the door. It hurt, the cold wood on his feet, but speed meant noise and if caught it would mean extra beatings at punishment time. Almost there, he looked down at Fat Girl; her chest rising up and down. This was good; if she woke up she would tell. She always got extra servings at feeding time.
No lights. No washing hands. No flush. He was careful to spray against the side of the bowl where the water would make less sound. Relieved, he started back. Slowly, slowly bare feet on cold floor. A hand grabs his wrist.
Fat Girl smiles, small teeth white and strong. Her other hand stretches out, stubby fingers palm up. He shivered. He’d seen other kids in this position. She wanted a gift or she’d scream loud and painful. Then the beatings would come. Hard and fast. If you were lucky. If the Captain wasn’t on duty. And if he hadn’t been drinking.
Today I chose to finally write a full song. I’m relatively satisfied with the results. When I started in the morning, I wanted a more relaxed piece, but over the day the music took on a life of its own. I had to starte over from scratch twice.
I’m not really too happy with the beginning of the song but I really like the middle and end.
On Day 1 I wrote a full comic/manga. It took longer than I thought it would, though it did get faster as i got more familiar with both my Bamboo tablet and Manga Studio (both great tools to use in this sort of thing).
I finally have something decentish to add to the art page on my website.
Here’s the content, after you read it then you can optionally look at the after paragraph to see if what you read matches with what I was trying to go for.
So my goal for this project was to create a comic that doesn’t really rely on words to tell the story. The images should (hopefully be) clear enough to relay the storyline. I considered using splashes of red to portray blood, but red is a tough color to work with. When I tried shading with it, it tended towards pink, and I didn’t really feel like going with the darker reds. I like how the story ended up. Hopefully my drawing gets better over time as there are some important story details that could be missed if I don’t draw them properly in later chapters.
So christmas and new years have both passed without much incident. A few of my friends are in town. I’ll most likely see them before the week is out, but what’s really good are the two events coming up in the next couple weeks.
The first one is Game Day. On Jan 11th, a bunch of us will get together and play all sorts of board and video games, while snacking on snacks, drinking drinks, and generally making merry.
The other event is 4-in-4. That’s 4 projects in 4 days, starting on Jan 12th. I’ve a vauge idea of what I want to do. Something about writing a story, maybe make some music, do something with someone else, and pen a manga/comic. We’ll see how it turns out. I suspect a goodly portion of the day will actually involve planning out the thing… unless I just go ahead and plan it out in the next week. Though that’s not terribly likely to happen.
Right now my main projects are:
- Expanding my music library
- Getting comfortable with my new pen tablet
- Reading all the books I’ve fallen behind on
- Starting to get back into some sort of workout routine. … Seriously I hate working out. Unless it’s with a group of people, in which case my primary motivation is one of competition rather than any sort of strong desire to get in shape.
Speaking of friends, one just called and is a couple blocks away, so I’m gonna have to cut this blog short. Time to put on some clothes and run.
I worked on this project with Tim Haynes.
The goal of this project was to build a device that lets you know when your train stop is coming up.
It all started with the thought that when you’re coming home late, and you’re tired or drunk or both, you can sometimes miss your trainstop. Or if you’re reading a good book or watching a movie or even just having a nap. So, what if you had a device that could A) alert you that your stop was coming up and B) let you know that your stop was here.
Final Project for commlab. Worked on w/ Angela Chen
Alright, so i updated to fonts on this and added a couple new ideas for website header pics. The fonts used are Copperplate Gothic Light for the titles and Stewardson for the text. I hope those are common fonts or people will just see Times New Roman and Arial.
So, time being what it is, I thought I’d post an update on the status of the train stop watch project.
Tim and I have toiled and struggled and finally we’ve gotten our code working. Our data from last time was correct. Our math, however, was not. We were taking the speed by averaging over all the samples, instead of over an interval. So now we’re getting the speed by averaging all the intervals (at 10ms) per second. So now we’re getting clear acceleration and deceleration in the data.
So the logic behind our program is as follows:
- We sample the speed each second.
- We baseline the high and low speeds at the start of the program.
- We determine new high and low speeds based on a simple algorithm. If there is a new high/low point that is steady (within 100 of each other), and 300 away from the current (high if low and low if high) point, for 3 seconds then a new high/low is set. Simple, right?
- If there is a constant deceleration for 6~ish seconds, we say “Ok, we’ve detected a stop.”
This is all fairly accurate so far and the data reflects it except for a few false negatives that we hope to smooth out by changing the constant deceleration time from 6 seconds to 10ish. We’ll have to play around w/ that.
Right now we just have to actually build a case for our project, and maybe pretty up the input/output mechanisms. Right now we just have a switch that we push to raise the stop count and some lights/a buzzer that can go off.